My paper on organizing poor whites
Hunter Gray
2014-04-12 21:21:20 UTC
A few days ago, I mentioned the substantial paper I'd done in 1966 on poor white organizing. The paper, housed in my collection at Wisconsin, has been utilized a number of times by researchers and writers. I didn't have a copy here but Wisconsin has kindly sent me one -- and also a slightly expanded version that I put forth in 1968.

The title of the 1966 paper is,"Poor Whites and the North Carolina Leadership Training Project." (That project was under the auspices of the North Carolina Fund -- a private anti-poverty organization with Ford Foundation funding.)

The title of my slightly enlarged version, 1968, is "The Economically Deprived Southern White: Organizing and Education Against Poverty and Racism." That went out to a number of bona fide organizers.

The paper itself is 37 double-spaced legal sized pages with footnotes. There are two pages of bibliography.

That was back in the days when I had my old Underwood typewriter and used carbon-sets. No easy Xerox or related copying in those days -- at least for me.

I may post some excerpts of the paper at some point.

Hunter Bear

St. Francis Abenaki / St. Regis Mohawk
Member, National Writers Union AFL-CIO

Check out our massive social justice website
www.hunterbear.org The site is dedicated to our
one-half Bobcat, Cloudy Gray, and to Sky Gray:

ORGANIZER -- AND AN EFFECTIVE ONE (Mississippi et al.):

page -- with a great deal of practical material:

See my new expanded/updated "Organizer's Book,"
JACKSON MISSISSIPPI -- with a new 10,000 word
introduction by me. This page lists many reviews.
And this book is also an activist's how-to manual:

The Stormy Adoption of an Indian Child [My Father]:
2014-04-12 21:24:28 UTC
I am looking forward to it!

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: Hunter Gray <***@hunterbear.org>
To: Bear Without Borders <***@lists.mayfirst.org>
Cc: SycamoreCanyon <***@yahoogroups.com>; marxist <***@yahoogroups.com>; Redbadbear <***@yahoogroups.com>; newgreencanada <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sat, Apr 12, 2014 05:21 PM
Subject: [BearwWthoutBorders] My paper on organizing poor whites

<div id="AOLMsgPart_1.2_657b071a-4be7-4869-8ab8-8836d33e9883">
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<font size="4" face="Arial"><strong>A few days ago, I mentioned the substantial paper I'd done in 1966 on poor white organizing. The paper, housed in my collection at Wisconsin, has been utilized a number of times by researchers and writers. I didn't have a copy here but Wisconsin has kindly sent me one -- and also a slightly expanded version that I put forth in 1968.</strong></font>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial"></font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial">The title of the 1966 paper is,"Poor Whites and the North Carolina Leadership Training Project." (That project was under the auspices of the North Carolina Fund -- a private anti-poverty organization with Ford Foundation funding.) </font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial"></font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial">The title of my slightly enlarged version, 1968, is "The Economically Deprived Southern White: Organizing and Education Against Poverty and Racism." That went out to a number of bona fide organizers.</font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial"></font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial">The paper itself is 37 double-spaced legal sized pages with footnotes. There are two pages of bibliography.</font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial"></font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial">That was back in the days when I had my old Underwood typewriter and used carbon-sets. No easy Xerox or related copying in those days -- at least for me.</font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial"></font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial">I may post some excerpts of the paper at some point.</font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial"></font></strong>

<strong><font size="4" face="Arial">Hunter Bear</font></strong>

<font size="2" face="Arial"></font>

<font size="2" face="Arial"></font>

<font size="2" face="Arial">HUNTER GRAY [HUNTER BEAR/JOHN R SALTER JR] Mi'kmaq /
St. Francis Abenaki / St. Regis Mohawk
Member, National Writers Union AFL-CIO</font>

<font size="2" face="Arial">Check out our massive social justice website
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.hunterbear.org"></a><a href="http://www.hunterbear.org" target="_blank">www.hunterbear.org</a> The site is dedicated to our
one-half Bobcat, Cloudy Gray, and to Sky Gray:
<a target="_blank" href="http://hunterbear.org/cloudy_gray.htm"></a><a href="http://hunterbear.org/cloudy_gray.htm" target="_blank">http://hunterbear.org/cloudy_gray.htm</a></font>

<font size="2" face="Arial">See my piece ON BEING A MILITANT AND RADICAL
ORGANIZER -- AND AN EFFECTIVE ONE (Mississippi et al.):
<a target="_blank" href="http://crmvet.org/comm/hunter1.htm"></a><a href="http://crmvet.org/comm/hunter1.htm" target="_blank">http://crmvet.org/comm/hunter1.htm</a></font>

<font size="2" face="Arial">See our very full COMMUNITY ORGANIZING
page -- with a great deal of practical material:
<a target="_blank" href="http://hunterbear.org/my_combined_community_organizing.htm"></a><a href="http://hunterbear.org/my_combined_community_organizing.htm" target="_blank">http://hunterbear.org/my_combined_community_organizing.htm</a></font>

<font size="2" face="Arial">See my new expanded/updated "Organizer's Book,"
JACKSON MISSISSIPPI -- with a new 10,000 word
introduction by me. This page lists many reviews.
And this book is also an activist's how-to manual:
<a target="_blank" href="http://hunterbear.org/jackson.htm"></a><a href="http://hunterbear.org/jackson.htm" target="_blank">http://hunterbear.org/jackson.htm</a> </font>

<font size="2" face="Arial">The Stormy Adoption of an Indian Child [My Father]:
<a target="_blank" href="http://hunterbear.org/James%20and%20Salter%20and%20Dad.htm"></a><a href="http://hunterbear.org/James%20and%20Salter%20and%20Dad.htm" target="_blank">http://hunterbear.org/James%20and%20Salter%20and%20Dad.htm</a>:


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