Hunter Gray
2014-04-04 14:25:17 UTC
First, several days ago, in connection with a piece on some local and contemporary Idaho politics, I indicated two website pages of ours were gone, totally gone. Each dealt with a very successful speaking engagement of mine: "Speaking to the Democrats at Idaho Falls" and "A Good Day with BLM and USFS." I could find them nowwhere -- perdido -- and several Google attempts, usually very productive re our website, could not locate them. I did find them on discussion lists. I posted this seizure very widely. I'd received a very long standing ovation at Idaho Falls and much appreciation from the BLM and Caribou National Forest staff. The convener of that gathering later wrote:
Dear John and Eldri:
Our employees and I would like to thank you for the presentation you made to the combined Pocatello BLM and Forest Service staffs on January 24, 2005.
The civil rights work that you performed in Mississippi in the early 1960's made history and was simply amazing. The presentation you made had a profound effect on many of us. I talked to several fellow employees afterward and they characterized your talk as "profound" and "life changing". One employee stated that he specifically ate lunch alone in order to better contemplate what you had said. I think this speaks very highly of your remarks.
Thank you again for taking time and making the effort to draw attention to civil rights and focus our thoughts in remembrance of Martin Luther King Day. We wish you the best in your continued endeavors.
Philip Damon
Field Office Manager
[Pocatello, Idaho]
Yesterday, while going down our website index (deeper than the mine shafts at Butte), what should I see but the two missing pages. I pulled them up and they were Real. I did Google and there they were. Glad to see the abductees back home but this does raise questions about the security of our website and our server's operation. We will try to deal effectively with all of that.
Also, a few days ago, Peter (Mack) and one of his three sons, Jack, arrived for several days. They came from Lincoln via Casper, Wyoming (a town that I've known well), stopping, as always, 50 miles or so west of Casper at Independence Rock where John Gray and Father Nicolas Point, SJ carved their names in 1841. This occurred while our direct ancestor guided the Jesuit party into the Intermountain West, also serving as its wild game hunter. Many Mountain Men and associates, and later hundreds of pioneers heading west on the Oregon Trail, left their names on the Rock over many years.
Once here, Pete and Jack performed about a dozen home repairs -- some requiring considerable carpentry skills. At one point, Cameron (with Josie) came and provided valuable assistance. Jack, who we hadn't seen since about 2007, and now six feet tall, and an electrical engineering major at University of Nebraska, had broken his ankle and that foot was in a boot. He was on crutches. Didn't stop him a bit. At one point, he and Pete and Josie's two older "babies," with my snake-bite kit, climbed the very high hill overlooking our house and went up to the "First Top". Later, Jack climbed the full hike up -- a two hour junket to and fro. Impressive! He and I did several arm wrestling things, all of which ended in a draw. (Even in the pits of Lupus, my hands and arms remained very strong.)
Early this morning, I renewed my union dues -- NWU/UAW -- for another year. I've been a member of the NRA since age 15. And I've been a member of unions (sometimes two or three simultaneously) since the beginning of 1955. Out of the Army around that point, I wandered a bit in the Mountain West and then went home. Sitting at a crowded bar on Flagstaff's Santa Fe street, a big guy stood up and said, "I'll buy a drink for every man who can show me a paid-up union card."
He was, I knew, the district director of the Teamsters -- a good guy whose son was a friend of my two younger brothers. As he worked along the bar, I was pleasantly surprised at the number of union cards displayed.
When he got to me, I took out my red IWW membership book, showed him my name therein (he knew who I was) and then flipped a couple of pages to my paid up dues. "THAT," he exclaimed, "is sure good enough for me!" Clapping me on the back, he told the bar keep, "Give John anything he wants."
In Solidarity.
Hunter Bear
St. Francis Abenaki / St. Regis Mohawk
Member, National Writers Union AFL-CIO
Check out our massive social justice website The site is dedicated to our
one-half Bobcat, Cloudy Gray, and to Sky Gray:
ORGANIZER -- AND AN EFFECTIVE ONE (Mississippi et al.):
page -- with a great deal of practical material:
See my new expanded/updated "Organizer's Book,"
JACKSON MISSISSIPPI -- with a new 10,000 word
introduction by me. This page lists many reviews.
And this book is also an activist's how-to manual:
The Stormy Adoption of an Indian Child [My Father]:
Dear John and Eldri:
Our employees and I would like to thank you for the presentation you made to the combined Pocatello BLM and Forest Service staffs on January 24, 2005.
The civil rights work that you performed in Mississippi in the early 1960's made history and was simply amazing. The presentation you made had a profound effect on many of us. I talked to several fellow employees afterward and they characterized your talk as "profound" and "life changing". One employee stated that he specifically ate lunch alone in order to better contemplate what you had said. I think this speaks very highly of your remarks.
Thank you again for taking time and making the effort to draw attention to civil rights and focus our thoughts in remembrance of Martin Luther King Day. We wish you the best in your continued endeavors.
Philip Damon
Field Office Manager
[Pocatello, Idaho]
Yesterday, while going down our website index (deeper than the mine shafts at Butte), what should I see but the two missing pages. I pulled them up and they were Real. I did Google and there they were. Glad to see the abductees back home but this does raise questions about the security of our website and our server's operation. We will try to deal effectively with all of that.
Also, a few days ago, Peter (Mack) and one of his three sons, Jack, arrived for several days. They came from Lincoln via Casper, Wyoming (a town that I've known well), stopping, as always, 50 miles or so west of Casper at Independence Rock where John Gray and Father Nicolas Point, SJ carved their names in 1841. This occurred while our direct ancestor guided the Jesuit party into the Intermountain West, also serving as its wild game hunter. Many Mountain Men and associates, and later hundreds of pioneers heading west on the Oregon Trail, left their names on the Rock over many years.
Once here, Pete and Jack performed about a dozen home repairs -- some requiring considerable carpentry skills. At one point, Cameron (with Josie) came and provided valuable assistance. Jack, who we hadn't seen since about 2007, and now six feet tall, and an electrical engineering major at University of Nebraska, had broken his ankle and that foot was in a boot. He was on crutches. Didn't stop him a bit. At one point, he and Pete and Josie's two older "babies," with my snake-bite kit, climbed the very high hill overlooking our house and went up to the "First Top". Later, Jack climbed the full hike up -- a two hour junket to and fro. Impressive! He and I did several arm wrestling things, all of which ended in a draw. (Even in the pits of Lupus, my hands and arms remained very strong.)
Early this morning, I renewed my union dues -- NWU/UAW -- for another year. I've been a member of the NRA since age 15. And I've been a member of unions (sometimes two or three simultaneously) since the beginning of 1955. Out of the Army around that point, I wandered a bit in the Mountain West and then went home. Sitting at a crowded bar on Flagstaff's Santa Fe street, a big guy stood up and said, "I'll buy a drink for every man who can show me a paid-up union card."
He was, I knew, the district director of the Teamsters -- a good guy whose son was a friend of my two younger brothers. As he worked along the bar, I was pleasantly surprised at the number of union cards displayed.
When he got to me, I took out my red IWW membership book, showed him my name therein (he knew who I was) and then flipped a couple of pages to my paid up dues. "THAT," he exclaimed, "is sure good enough for me!" Clapping me on the back, he told the bar keep, "Give John anything he wants."
In Solidarity.
Hunter Bear
St. Francis Abenaki / St. Regis Mohawk
Member, National Writers Union AFL-CIO
Check out our massive social justice website The site is dedicated to our
one-half Bobcat, Cloudy Gray, and to Sky Gray:
ORGANIZER -- AND AN EFFECTIVE ONE (Mississippi et al.):
page -- with a great deal of practical material:
See my new expanded/updated "Organizer's Book,"
JACKSON MISSISSIPPI -- with a new 10,000 word
introduction by me. This page lists many reviews.
And this book is also an activist's how-to manual:
The Stormy Adoption of an Indian Child [My Father]: