New Activist Newsletter
Jack A. Smith jacdon@earthlink.net [marxist]
2014-10-23 15:57:05 UTC

1. Quotes Of The Month (James Connolly)

2. Bury The Bomb Before It Buries Us

3. Global Wealth: Top To Bottom

4. Leftist Malala Wins Nobel Peace Prize

5. Wars Of Autumn Divert 21,000-Mile Hike

6. N.Y. Times Praises Cuba For Helping Africa

7. Secret Talks Between U.S. And Cuba

8. The Future Is Here: Floods, Fires, Deserts

9. Sky High Methane Emissions

10. Other Climate News

11. Homeless Students In Rural New York State

12. U.S. And Japan Upgrade Military Alliance

13. The U.S., China, Russia & Eurasia

14. U.S. War Policies Can’t Win In The Mideast

15. Is Your Pizza Topped With Animal Cruelty?

16. Recommended: 2 Videos, 1 Film
